Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Quality of Life. The Virtuous Circle.

It's Wimbledon week.  Let's all smile
Yesterday I had a fascinating chat with a friend of mine who runs a food bank and homeless shelter.  Alongside this he is very interested in the more philosophical aspects of life, on a non-partisan basis.

We should, in his words, "Maximise the aggregate quality of life of all members of society".  That can be a local community, nationally or indeed globally.  Life isn't just about money.

We compared this statement with The Just Party's two core aims:
  1. A Thriving Economy
  2. A Caring Society
Yes, the economy needs to thrive to generate the money to pay for the NHS and other public services that are part of that Caring Society.  But it doesn't necessarily need money. 

I help his food bank by collecting fresh food for it from a major supermarket.  Food that is going out of date, has already been discounted, and would otherwise be thrown away. I tend to do this as a small detour, so the time and petrol required are minimal.  Likewise there's a lot I'm sure you could easily do for the community too.

But that's not all. A Caring Society helps to create that Thriving Economy.  It's about unlocking the potential of members of society.  Helping to boost confidence, for example. Setting sensible expectations, so the dramatic dependency on anti-depressants can be reduced.  Helping youngsters off the street.  So much can be done to unlock people's potential using little or no money.

Indeed making society human-centric. The virtuous circle of a Thriving Economy with a Caring Society.

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