Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Brexit: The Go/NoGo Decision

The Go / NoGo decision
In a major business change project there would be regular review decisions taken.  Especially a two-year project with such high risks as Brexit.  These decision points are commonly known as "Go/NoGo".

Where are these decision points for Brexit?  The LibDems have suggested a referendum at the end of the negotiations.  But this is simply too late.  The economy has been affected ever since the pound's fall immediately after the referendum.  But the public probably doesn't want another referendum any earlier.

So it has to be the equivalent of the Project Steering Committee. In a democracy that's Parliament. Had the possibility of there being a vote to Leave, Go/NoGo decision points would (or at least should) have been planned at a sensible frequency.  One say 3 months after negotiations start.

Let's be clear.  If Brexit in its expected form makes sense, we should go ahead.  But if it doesn't make sense, Brexit should stop.   In a business that would be the case.  In a democracy shouldn't that be the case too?

I suggested yesterday that the referendum should be regarded as a 'starting gun', not a finishing line. Accepting that is key to any further debate.  The foundation of a democratic approach to Brexit.

Parliament is about to take its summer break.  It is back for a few days in September before there's a break again for the party conference season.  So a "Go/NoGo" debate could start either side of the conferences, separate from but alongside presentation and consideration of the Great Repeal Bill.  Maybe shortly after both the Commons and Lords resumes on 9 October

Legally, politically and practically, what needs to happen to allow a "Go/NoGo" decision to be debated this autumn?

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