Monday, 14 August 2017

The Rationale For Associate Membership

"The Just Political Party" was registered in 2014, before the EU referendum, as a full-scope political party.  But the long duration of the registration process with the Electoral Commission meant the Party missed being ready for its original election.

The Just Party did not become properly active until 2017 when the effects of Brexit were becoming clear.  Nonetheless The Just Party is not a one issue party about Brexit.  It has far wider ambitions.

The Just Party has two clear aims:
  1. A Thriving Economy
  2. A Caring Society
You could regard a Caring Society as somewhat left-wing.  But socialist policies tend to backfire, so it is important we lead with a thriving economy from 'regulated capitalism'.  The combination of these two aims is what you might call 'centrist'.

Brexit risks undermining those aims, and so The Just Party is 'anti-Brexit'. This is different from 'pro-EU', for which an established definition includes wanting the UK to become one of the United States of Europe, and adopt the Euro in place of Pound Sterling.  That is not The Just Party's position.

The Just Party wants to keep the Pound, the ultimate flag of independence, whilst collaborating with the EU in the Single Market and for other mutually advantageous practical purposes.  For example remaining in The EU–US 'Open Skies Agreement'.

The newness of The Just Party means a lot of set-up has been done, but some remains.  This is notably:
  • We have Aims and Values covering the main policy areas, but will only produce a full Manifesto when the next General Election is called.  This is standard practice amongst parties, to ensure it reflects the then current priorities and people
  • The Membership Scheme in the registered Constitution is too basic, and needs to be expanded to include aspects such as voting arrangements.  This will be done as soon as resources permit. 
In the meantime there are key issues that affect Membership:
  • As there is currently no fully-fledged Membership Scheme, people cannot sensibly be invited to become Full Members
  • Nonetheless people want to to become involved as 'recognised supporters'
  • People who are members of other parties want to join The Just Party but remain a member of their existing party.  The Just Party's Constitution and that of most other parties prohibit that.
  • People who are pro-EU want to support an anti-Brexit party, but do not necessarily want to join it
  • Until there is a fair spread of members, no one sub-group should be dominant in voting matters
  • In any case, The Just Party needs to be of a size to have formed the various Party bodies required by the Constitution to administer the Membership Scheme
  • At this stage there is no desire to create two categories of members

The solution to all these issues is an Associate Membership Scheme:
  • To keep it simple, anyone donating at least the Full Membership fee of £24 per annum will automatically become an Associate Member.
  • When the Full Membership scheme is launched, Associate Members will be invited to upgrade. effective from the date of their original donation.  There will be an option to remain an Associate Member, and the scheme will continue with annual renewal
  • In the meantime decisions will be made by the registered officers of the Party, or any Executive Committee
  • Nobody's name will be released into the public domain without explicit permission, such as where the person has disclosed so themselves
  • Donations up to £500 in aggregate can be made to a party under UK law by anyone anywhere in the world, confidentially.  Whilst we encourage everyone to disclose their identity to the Party to ensure the aggregate limit isn't breached by multiple donations, no donor will become an Associate Member if they remain anonymous
If you would like to become an Associate Member, and we hope you do, then a donation can be made online.  Donations of £24 up to £500 can be made through our GoFundMe website.  Smaller donations are also welcome.  Any higher sums need to be  made by separate arrangement.

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