Monday 8 May 2017

The Just Party in a Nutshell

From a little acorn a mighty oak can grow
What does The Just Party stand for?
  1. A STRONG ECONOMY:  Supporting business and personal aspiration to generate wealth                        
  2. A CARING SOCIETY: Strong public services with the NHS maintained as being 'free at the point of use'. But life isn't just about money. There's cultural matters too.
  3. ANTI-BREXIT:  Brexit risks undermining both the economy and our ability to pay for public services, especially the amateurish way the negotiations have been conducted so far.  Every job moving ot the continent is tax revenue lost.  Brexit is also having profound negative affects on culture.  
A soft Brexit, remaining in the Single Market, is far preferable economically over a hard Brexit.  But let's stop wasting our time and so very much effort. Let's stop Brexit altogether.  It can be done democratically, legally and painlessly.

If you support these aims, then do please support us:

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