Sunday 7 May 2017

How Do The Leading Parties Compare?

So often we hear people say "I'm not interested in politics.  They are all the same."

But the parties are not the same.  Quite the opposite.  And it matters to everyone!

Tories (Conservatives)
The Nasty Party
Brexit at any cost
Tax and spend
Support Brexit
Middle of the road
Want a second referendum
Single Brexit issue, despite attempts to broaden
Brexit at any cost
The Just Party
Centrist - Aspiration and social justice
Anti-Brexit - soften or preferably cancel it, democratically

The Greens also deserve a mention.  They have good policies on the environment and topics such as drugs laws which have significant cross-party support. But get them onto economic matters and they leave reality behind.

So if you voted Remain last June, and want a party long-term that combines wealth creation and spend on social justice, then do support The Just Political Party.

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